Parties Guide

What is a party?

A party is a temporary group of characters. Friendly fire between members of a party is turned off, and each party has a dedicated private OOC chat channel accessible with /partychat or /pc. This makes the use of parties ideal for events, raids and battles during warfare. Anyone can set up a party and invite other characters to their party.

Creating and managing parties

To start, you can create your own party. Simply use the /party create [name] command. You can give your party a custom name if you’d like, or let the plugin assign a default name by leaving it out. Once your party is formed, you can change its name anytime using /party name [new name].

As the party leader, you have full control over party settings. If you ever need to pass leadership to someone else, you can transfer ownership by using /party transfer [character name]. This will make another player the new party leader.

If your party has served its purpose and you no longer need it, you can disband it entirely with the /party disband command. This will remove all members and end the party.

Inviting and managing members

Once your party is up and running, you can start inviting players to join you. Use /party invite [character name] to send an invite to a specific person. If you want to invite multiple people nearby, use /party invitenear [radius], which invites all players within the specified radius (default is 30 m). If you change your mind or invited someone by mistake, you can retract the invite with /party uninvite [character name].

You can always keep track of who’s in your party by using the /party members command, which shows you a list of all members. If you ever need to remove someone from your party, just use /party kick [character name]. This will boot them out of the group.

Joining and leaving parties

If you receive an invite to join a party, you can accept it using /party join [party name]. Once you’re part of a party, you’re free to leave at any time by using /party leave. If you’re leading the party and want to wrap things up, remember you can disband the party entirely with /party disband.

Viewing and inspecting parties

To get information about a specific party, you can use the /party card [party name] command. This displays the party’s informational card, including details about the party’s leader and members. If you don’t specify a party name, this command will show details about your own party.

If you’re looking for a list of active parties, you can simply type /party list to see all parties currently in existance. You can also view any invites your party has sent out by using /party invites, which lists all pending invitations.