Getting Started

Are you a new player? Or maybe you’re an existing player looking for the right commands? Wait no more! Here is our starter guide for all players. In here you will find basic commands, everything you’ll need to get started.

How do I join?

You can join the server at, Minecraft version 1.21.1.
If you haven’t already, make sure you join our discord to stay up to date with changes and chat with our wonderful community!

I just joined the server, what now?

When you first join the server, you’ll be placed into spectator mode. Not to worry, we don’t work with a whitelist. All you’ll need to do is create a character, and you can start playing. But, you can also explore the world of Narrantis in spectator mode. You can use the portals surrounding you to fly around, explore the world, get a feel! This spectator mode is a great way to freely scope around which factions, which areas, or which people you are drawn to, without any limits.

Please keep in mind that before making a character, you can not access any other chats besides spectator chat. Everything typed in chat during character creation will be filled out when creating said character. Most mistakes made can be fixed by staff, but being careful saves you the effort!

Ready to start roleplaying?

/newchar, /newcharacter, /character new, /char new
All commands above allow you to create a new character. After running this command, you’ll see various prompts in chat to guide you in creating your character. Fill these in accordingly and your character will be created!

Remember that many races have an age at which natural death can occur. This information can be found at the Races overview. Choose your age carefully.

Now you’re ready to explore the world of Narrantis as your character! Want to see your character info? Just run the command /card. This same command can be used to view other people’s cards. Just use /card [character’s name].
Want to view all of your characters? /char list is your command. Switching between characters is easy, just type /characters, and you’ll be able to select your character in the menu.

Sick of your character? Want something new?
You can either shelf your character, using /char shelf [character’s name], or kill your character, using /char kill [character’s name]. Shelving can be undone, using the /char unshelf [character’s name] command. Killing a character is permanent, and can not be undone. Make your choice carefully.

I made a character, what now?

You can easily switch between the different chats with a command.
/ooc for out of character, server wide chat.
/looc for local out of character chat, its range 16 m
/ic for in character, close range chat.
When using IC chat, what you type in chat will be sent as speech. If you’d like to add an emote, add an * before you type. Want to combine the two in one message? When you start with speech, place the speech in between quotation marks (" "). Any text written after the closing quotation mark will automatically become an emote. Want to start with an emote? Start with the *, then place quotation marks around your speech.

I want to lock something, how do I do that?

We make use of the LWC plugin. Here’s an easy rundown on how to use it.
Using /lwc shows you a menu of all commands related to LWC, including a short description of each command.
When creating a lock, you type the wanted command in chat. A message will appear in chat, prompting you to left click the block you wish to be locked. After this, a message in chat will confirm your lock.
/cpublic creates a public lock. This means everybody can interact with this block, but only the owner of this block can destroy said block.
/cprivate creates a private lock. You can add people to these locks, and they can only be accessed by you and the people you permitted.
/cdonation creates a donation chest. These can be opened by anyone, and items can be placed in by anyone, but only the owner of the block can take these items out.
/cpassword [password] creates a lock with password protection. These blocks can be accessed by whoever has the password. It’ll stay unlocked until you log off. When logging on again, the password is needed again.
/cunlock [password] unlocks a password protected block, when the correct password is entered.
/cmodify allows you to modify an existing lock. This includes adding and removing players, as by nature a private block can only be accessed by the owner of said block. Adding a player is done by using the command /cmodify [Player]. Removing someone from a lock is done by using the command /cmodify -[Player]. To make another player admin of a lock, meaning they can remove and add people (except for the owner), is done by using /cmodify @[Player]. Admins can be removed in the same way as regular players.
/cremove removes the lock.
/cinfo provides you with information about a lock. You can only use this if you are a user or owner of this lock.
/climits shows you the maximum amount of locks you are able to have.

Other helpful commands?

Using /date in the server will show you the current in-character date.
/activity shows you in what regions people are currently playing.
These commands, including /card [character name], can also be used in the discord, replacing the / with a ?.

/chatcolor changes the colour of your emotes.
/sit allows you to sit. Some blocks may interfere with your ability to sit.
/crawl is used to make your character crawl. This also makes the player slower.
/lay makes you lay down.
/roll makes you roll a d20. Adding a number behind /roll, rolls a dice according to the number you entered. For example, /roll 6, /roll 10. Using /roll [dice] [stat kind] rolls a dice and automatically adds your roll modifier.

See the full list of commands for more commands, and read our guides for more in-depth information about various systems.