Combat Roleplay

Turn based combat on Ironveil RP

Part 1: Character Statistics in Combat

Character Statistics


Strength (or Str) measures a character’s ability to exert physical force. This stat increases the damage and accuracy your character has with some weapons.

A character carrying weight also depends on a character’s strength.


Dexterity (or Dex) measures a character’s speed, agility, reflexes and fine motor skills. This stat increases the damage and accuracy of fine and ranged weapons, while also increasing their Movement and their Evasion. (see also: Derived Stats.)


Constitution (or Con) measures a character’s fortitude, and their ability to handle pain before falling unconscious. This stat increases a character’s total Hit Points by 8 per stat point.

Faith and Luck: These two stats will be used in future expansions of this combat system. It is possible that the two will still be used in events managed by gamemasters to accommodate those that have points in these stats.

Character Creation

When you have created your character’s story and wellbeing within the world of Ironveil, you get to select their physical capabilities and special abilities in a stat-wise fashion. After choosing the race you have decided to play, you get to divide stat points.

Each statistic in character creation is set at 7 initially. Depending on your chosen race, you get a certain number of points you can divide across these stats, with the maximum points you can put into any stat being +8. After this distribution, your racial bonuses are applied on top of your statistics.

Each race has a different set of bonuses, abilities and a number of free points to distribute (see also: Races).

Derived Statistics


Whenever a feature requires you to add a Modifier (Mod) of a specified statistic to a roll, an ability or a feature, you add an extra number to it based on how good your character is in the specified statistic.

Modifiers are calculated as follows:

[ Specified Statistic - 10 ]


You add an accuracy bonus to attacks made with weapons, which is equal to the modifier of the corresponding accuracy score. This is either Strength or Dexterity, as shown in a weapons properties.

Accuracy is calculated as follows:

[ (Str/Dex) Mod + Bonuses ]

Bonuses to accuracy come from weapons and their features.


Your character’s natural defences and means of evading attacks depend on your character’s ability to move and dodge quickly. Dexterity increases the evasion of a character, in addition to certain abilities and weapons.

Evasion is calculated as Follows:

[8 +/- Dex Mod + Bonuses]

The following Bonuses are examples of things that can alter a characters evasion:

Bonus Name Bonuses
Smaller Size bonus (Goblins and Elfins) +1
Flying +2
Wielding a Shield +3
Iron or Netherite armour Denies positive DEX modifiers to evasion

Part 2: Turns in Combat

Basic Mechanics: Initiative

On the first turn of combat, players roll 1d20+Dex to determine their initiative order, where Dex is their dexterity modifier.

Whoever rolled highest starts in combat, with all other players taking their own turn after them in descending order. This rule also applies to those who later join the fight.

This roll is automated by the command: /crp roll initiative

If the same number is rolled by two players, the player with the highest Dexterity goes first. If the characters of both players have the same Dexterity, both players roll initiative again to see who goes before the other.

An Asaerne always starts in combat, regardless of their roll. If multiple Asaerne are present, the Asaerne with the highest Initiative roll starts.

Each turn lasts 5 IC seconds.

Movement Action

The first action you take during combat is the Movement action. During this action, you can move a number of blocks equal to your speed, which is 5 + one additional block for every 2 points of Dexterity above 10.

A flying character can move in three dimensions (see also: Special Rules), while gliding has no impact on CRP.

Second Action: Main Action

After a character has performed their movement, they can use their main action. With this action, you can either Dash or Attack.

Taking the Dash Action allows you to move an amount of blocks equal to your speed, again.

Taking the Attack Action allows you to attack another character within range of their weapon. When you take the Attack Action, you make a number of [d20 + Weapon Modifier] rolls equal to the weapons attack number. You use the Statistic specified in the weapons properties as accuracy for the attack. An attack hits if the roll is equal to or higher than the target’s Evasion.

When an attack hits, it applies its full damage plus any other damage effects the weapon has. The weapons damage is reduced if the target of the attack is wearing armour or has gotten damage reduction from another source.

You can use up to 2 emotes per Attack Action. One before rolling to hit, and one after rolling to hit. This is to lessen the time it takes to perform CRP.

(See Weapons table below).

Basic Mechanics: Unconscious and Defeated

A character is defeated if the total damage they have received in combat exceeds their maximum Hit Points. They are considered unconscious but alive.

Crp ends when all participants agree to end hostilities, when all characters on one side are unconscious, or if all parties involved end up at least 30 blocks away from each other at the end of a round.

If there is a winning party, it decides what to do with the defeated and unconscious players.

Part 3: Combat Equipment

Weapons and Weapon Properties


In the case of swords and axes, those shown in the table are weapons made of iron or netherite. Weapons made of wood, stone, or other materials that are not iron or netherite gain the “improper” property.

Weapon Name Range Accuracy Stat Damage Stat Attacks Number Base Damage Properties
Unarmed Attack 2m Str Str 3 14 Improper
Axe 3m Str Str 1 22 Cumbersome, Cleave, Heavy(10)
Crossbow 9m Dex Dex 1 18 Cumbersome, Ranged, Heavy(7)
Trident 3m Dex Str 1 26 Throwing(8m)
Mace 3m Str Str 1 24 Slow, Heavy(12)
Sword 3m Str Dex 2 18 Light
Warbow 9m Dex Str 2 18 Cumbersome, Ranged

Weapon Damage Bonus You add a damage bonus to attacks made with weapons, which is equal to the stat modifier. The modifier is doubled for weapons which make one single attack. (negative modifiers are also doubled) This statistic is either Strength or Dexterity, as shown in a weapons properties.

Weapon Properties

Cleave: On a successful weapon attack, this weapon also deals 12 damage to all other creatures within 3 blocks of the target, excluding yourself and the target of the attack. (all creatures are hit regardless of allyship).

Cumbersome: Requires the use of both hands, not allowing the use of off-hand equipment. Additionally, these weapons can’t be used while mounted or flying.

Heavy(X): Requires your strength stat to be equal to or higher than X.

Improper: All damage dealt with this weapon is halved, rounded down.

Light: Weapons with the Light property can be drawn as a part of the attack action.

Ranged: You can attack with this weapon with double the range by applying a -2 to your accuracy.

Your movement is halved, rounded down, when wielding a ranged weapon.

If you were attacked with a melee weapon during the last round, attacks made with ranged weapons count as if they have the Improper Weapon Property.

Slow: Attacks made with these weapons have a -2 to Accuracy.

Throwing(X): You can throw the weapon at a target within X blocks. It deals the same damage as it would if used normally.



A shield adds +3 to the Evasion value. If wielded with both hands, an unarmed character can use it as a main hand weapon (Accuracy Stat: Str) with no other properties. (A shield makes 1 attack in a turn, dealing 12 base damage).

Wielding Weapons

A player can only wield one weapon at a time. A player can only wield one off-hand at a time.


To be considered ‘armoured’, you must be wearing 4 pieces of armour of the same type. An elytra counts as a chestplate of any type for this purpose.

Armour Type Damage Reduction Strength Requirement Movement Speed reduction
Leather 2 DR - -
Chainmail 5 DR 10 Str -
Iron 8 DR 12 Str -1
Netherite 8 DR 12 Str -

Damage Reduction Whenever you take damage from an attack or another source of damage, you reduce the total damage you take by an amount equal to the DR your armour provides.

Special: Horse harnesses

Leather A light harness reduces any incoming damage for the horse by 2

Iron, Gold or better A heavy harness reduces any incoming damage for the horse by 5

Part 4: Special Rules


A character who can fly in the area where the fight takes place receives +2 to their evasion and +4 to their speed unless they declare they are not flying as part of their movement action. It is not possible to use heavy or cumbersome weapons while flying. It is not possible to Fly underwater.

Some commands have been added to help flying characters in their three-dimensional movement:

Fall Damage

A character who falls from a height of more than 5 blocks will take damage during combat. This damage is equal to [ 8 x (Blocks Fallen after 5) ].


A mounted character adds +3 to their speed and gets a +2 bonus to accuracy with weapons that lack the ranged property, though they do not receive an evasion bonus from dexterity. A mounted character can only use the types of movement their mount possesses, such as flying, swimming or walking. Cumbersome weapons can’t be used while mounted.

While mounted, a character gains a stat called Balance, which is equal to two times their Dexterity stat. If damage would be dealt which is equal to or higher than the Balance score, they fall from their horse and take 12 damage. When this happens, the horse will run away and become unusable until the end of combat.

There are two usable mounts: The Horse and the Camel. The Horse possesses 60 Hit Points, while the Camel has 70 Hit Points and they both possess an Evasion Score of 8. Reducing a mount to 0 Hit Points makes the character fall from it.

Reducing a mount to 0 Hit Points makes it unconscious, but alive. It follows the same rules of defeat as Player characters do.

a horse has the same effect as unseating its rider, except that the horse will not be usable in any combat or RP for a whole IC day.


Any CRP that occurs underwater (fully below the water level) between a Merfolk and a creature that is unable to recover oxygen underwater is automatically failed in favour of the Merfolk. In the case of CRP between two Merfolk or two creatures that can survive underwater, combat occurs normally. You can move in all three directions when fighting underwater, but you do not receive a flying (swimming) bonus unless you are a Merfolk.

Ranged weapons don’t work underwater, throwing weapons do.

Switching Gear

It is forbidden to equip or unequip any armour during CRP, unless all the players agree and interrupt the CRP.

Switching your active weapons is allowed according to the following conditions: The player always has all the weapons he’s going to use in their own inventory or someone in a 1m range is willingly giving a weapon to them. If a player switches their weapon set, they will lose their turn and will not be able to move or attack for the rest of their turn. Drawing a light weapon after throwing is an exception to this rule, as long as your hands are free.


A burning character receives 12 fire damage at the start of their turn. Fire damage doesn’t get reduced by armour’s DR. Burning normally lasts 1 turn, unless differently specified.

Special Terrains

A flying character always ignores special terrain rules.

A character standing over an ice block won’t add their dexterity to their Evasion.

A character standing over lava will receive 12 fire damage at the start of their turn, as per the rule “Burning”.

Some examples about Evasion

Example 1

Mickey is a goblin with 13 dexterity, who’s wielding a sword and a shield.

Mickey has 8 base evasion,+3 from high dexterity bonus, +1 from racial bonus, +3 from his shield. Mickey has 15 evasion.

Example 2

Goofy is an elfin with 9 dexterity, who’s wielding a trident but no shield.

Goofy has 8 base evasion and +1 racial bonus, but also gets -1 from his dexterity. Goofy’s evasion is 8.

When in the forest an Elfin is empowered by the forest, gaining +2 to all stats and flight.

In the Enchanted Forest Goofy has 8 base evasion,+1 from dexterity modifier, +1 from racial bonus, +2 from flight. Goofy has 12 evasion.